ZLIN AIRCRAFT acquired another new and state-of-art machining center

ZLIN AIRCRAFT acquired another new and state-of-art machining center Date: (11.01.2012)

Our vision is to satisfy diverse technology requirements of our customers. Therefore we acquired another new and state-of-art machining center SP 280SY and integrated it into our current technology park. Thus we continue investing into ever higher productivity and affectivity of our company focusing on aviation production.

"The main added value of the new machining center is a fundamental improvement of the quality of all separate operations, increase of productivity and optimization of material flow in the machining shop," clarifies Pavel Brazdil, production director the reasons for the modernization. New computer controlled lathe with laser will also enables to reduce costs and environmental impacts of highly qualified aviation production and demonstrates progressive dimension of production thinking. "New CNC lathe will execute all necessary complex operations on one spot," adds Brazdil.

Multipurpose CNC lathe SP280 SY of the highest quality has 5 axes with spinning tools and contra spindle. The value "280" defines maximal processed diameter in mm. Length of lathe´s bed is 450mm. technology variants are further increased by real axe Y. Control system Sinumerik 840D Solution line and motors Sinamics represent a new generation of control and drive technology. The machine masters "High-Tec" in spindle operations making full use of machine´s and system´s capabilities. These are kinematic transformations Transmit, Tracyl, Traang and their threading, synchronized operation of both shanks for handling of a work piece while turning etc.

This new highly sophisticated machine is coupled with the vertical center MCFV 1060 with a modern construction designed for a complex cutting operation. The center is equipped with three perpendicular simultaneously steered axes, which enables milling, drilling, reaming and recessing operations incl. screw cutting in work pieces of steel, steel-iron, iron and alloys from light and non-ferrous metals.

ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.is focused and equipped for production of aerobatic, training, transport and field spraying aircraft and components for other aviation manufacturers in line with its tradition and development since 1934. We manufacture supporting structures from shaped steel sheets, machined, welded and riveted parts and do complex assemblies of aircraft. We also manufacture electric wiring including installations into aircraft, connecting and verification of control and navigation systems. We have also a full fledged painting shop for painting of components as well as complete aircraft.

Our quality management is ISO 9001:2008 certified in accordance with EASA, and other directives. We provide expert customer support in engineering, development and testing.


  • Five technological variants of each machine size enable flexible choice of optimum machine variant, adapted to your technological requirements, from small-batch to specialized mass production.
  • Solid machine base and bed guarantee high machine rigidity.
  • Distortions of mechanical machine parts are verified by means of a numerical finite elements method – FEM.
  • Dynamics and stability of axis motion are checked by means of advanced computation methods.
  • Spindle units enable machining with the high performance.
  • Synchronous integrated spindle motors provide the high dynamics of spindle functions and a powerful rotary axis C.
  • Carriages of linear axes, the right headstock or tailstock body move on the rolling guide ways and guarantee high accuracy of positioning and interpolated motion of axes and carriages.
  • Rigidity of the upper carriage three-axis version is emphasized by virtual motion of axis Y which is composed of interpolation of real axes X and Y’ making an angle of 30 degrees.
  • Programmable tailstock displacement reduces interventions of operating staff in machining process otherwise needed.
  • Optional applicable state-of-the-art control systems by SINUMERIK 840D sl, GE FANUC 0i and GE FANUC 30i guarantee excellent control properties and programmer comfort.
  • The machines meet your expectations in terms of easy operation including integrated programming at workshop.
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